What to do if you cant lock a UPVC Door
A common problem with UPVC doors occurs when you cannot or have difficulty locking them. Below are the main reason why locksmiths get callouts. Some of these you can fix yourself others you will need a locksmith to fix.
The handle – If this is a new door or you are staying at new property for the first time first check that you have pushed the handle up before trying to lock the door. This is the main standard in the UK however doors may differ outside the UK. This is one of the most reported issues in holiday let flats.
Debris or item – Check the bottom and frame of the door as small items in the frame can stop the door from locking
Dropped Door – It is a common fault for UPVC doors to drop or move. If this misaligns the lock and bolt it will make the door unable or difficult to lock. Generally these issues are quick to fix.
Faulty Cylinder – In this case it normally means the lock will need replaced. This can be done onsite and new keys can be cut at your door with our Mobile Key Cutting Service.
Faulty Mechanism – It is likely that the lock will need to be replaced. This can be done onsite and new keys can be cut at your door with our Mobile Key Cutting Service.
Broken Key – Sometimes there can be part of a key, snapped key or debris in the lock. In most cases this can be fixed without having to replace the lock.
If you are unsure Frank offers a 24 hour locksmith services